Sullatober Dalton / Uncategorized

A whale of a tale

Last Friday, a whale swallowed a Packard off Cape Cod. No, it’s not a fishy story, the diver’s name was Packard. Luckily, unlike Jonah, the whale spat him back out.

While the story was well reported with comments from the diver, the scoop of the day was that the Sunday Telegraph managed to find out that the whale had sold its story to Hollywood. The Telegraph’s source seems to have been a note in Good Morning Plankton, which reported the whale’s comment as  – ‘I felt something land in my mouth, and was worried it might be a shark, so I spat it out.’

I was talking it over with a friend and his reaction was – ‘Spat him out! Probably a politician or a lawyer.’ That seemed likely, so I checked, but the chap was a lobster fisherman.