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Leprechaun Farmers and Hunters

I’m trying to get something about Flower Shows, not the Chelsea Flower Show but one in Miss Kirkhope’s village of Cairndhu, down on paper but the Leprechaun keep sidling in. I was watching a documentary on BBC 2, the Horizon, First Britons with professors from Glasgow and places like Cardiff and Leeds telling us that the ancient Britons were just as intelligent as we are. Not an earth shattering discovery, these intellectuals need to realise that there are builders who read poetry, fishermen who appreciate Gaugin and road sweepers who like Schubert.
Anyway, they got round to saying the ancient hunter gatherers and farmers lived at the same time but in separate communities. There were two relics proving that farmers had ‘hunter’ wives. My first reaction was, wives? Or concubines? Or slaves? But the intellectuals obviously felt it was nicer if they were married to the farmers.
My second reaction was that the farmers were taught by the Leprechaun. The hunters found the farmer’s pigs easier to catch then antelope and the farmers got angry and raided the hunter’s kraals, killing the old and the males and carrying off the women for breeding and slaves and there is another bit of the Leprechaun plot.