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Ships of the ’45

The ‘Ships of the ’45’ have arrived, or I should say has arrived. Written by John S. Gibson and published in 1967 the Keeper of the Rolls of Scotland Sir James Fergusson of Kilkerran mentions in the cover that the book “…has brought into focus the naval side of the ’45 …”(The Bonnie Prince Charlie rebellion of 1745) “… Mr Gibson is not fanciful in suggesting that their experiences as junior officers in the ’45 may have helped to shape the characters and careers of four famous admirals – Rodney, Howe, Duff and Duncan.” The Navy’s involvement in this must therefore have several good stories. I’ve glanced through the book and one things has jumped out – when Charlie boarded the French ship to be taken to France “there were about sixty Scots who by his (Pince Charlie’s) order were put ashore.” That’s a quote from a report written at the time. It turns out these Scots were put off because “…they were not commissioned officers”. Just the kind of treatment handed out by Bonnie Prince Charlie to his faithful Highlanders! It creates the idea of a difficult choice for a protagonist, Charlie’s father, the Old Pretender was king by hereditary right and according to the contemporary reading of the Bible but Charlie is not someone worthy of respect, never mind loyalty. What should he do?
Jacobite Risings – Lenman