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Spies at Jericho

I do these notes about what we should learn for personal and business reasons from the bible stories on a blog. All very serious but now and then something bubbles through. I’m getting ahead of myself but – The Israelites are at the Jordan and Joshua sends our spies, just to reconnoiter. The tale has all the ingredients of a tense spy story. The two men get inside Jerico and find the place tense. People argue what to do, surrender or fight. People are suspicious. They are almost arrested. Rahab hides them. Will she go to the authorities? All grand stuff.


Two of the spies are young men, one twenty-one, one only seventeen. They get mixed up with a band of Jericho scouts and have to go into the city. As they wander around, they meet Rahab, who takes a liking to one of them and suggests they come for something to eat. ‘She’s a prostitute,’ the young lad points out, ‘what will Mother say?’ ‘She’ll never know.’ ‘You must be joking. There’s that long haired guy who writes down everything that happens. You think he’ll miss a story like this?’

Lots of fun but within the central story. I hope no one thinks I am being sacrilegious but the Israelites were PEOPLE.