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Cairndhu revisited

After the showI’ve started to lay out the follow on from Best in Show in Cairndhu. The opening comes with Broon making his way home from work and meeting Jinks, the postman. Jinks gives Broon a letter which he says comes from Dalriada.
‘Dalriady?’ Broon exclaims, where the Hell’s that?’
‘No Dalriady, Dalriada, it was spelt oot for me. It seems they don’t like their place bein’ camed Cluggy.’
‘It’s been Cluggy since ever I kenned.’
Broon goes on and is met by a bee-keeper who wants to know if he can put his bees on the bramble bushes at Broon’s new market garden.
Broon goes home, opend the letter and finds the Dalriada people want a meeting to discuss the next years flower show, which will have two classes, the local Cairndhu, and a special class to include the villages round about. He tells Maisie, his wife, that things are getting out of hand. Maisie naturally suggests a session with Miss Kirkwood to sort things out and Miss K insists Broon write back to Cluggy arranging a meeting.
Broon resists but Miss K was his teacher and he is forced to give in.
I tried several other openings but none of them got into the action like this one.So far, I’ve introduced five characters, which I feel is enough to be going on with. The next will be Broon’s daughter Ger and the rivals for her hand, Calum Gillespie, the butcher’s son and young Lindsay, the farmer’s son.
I enjoy writing about these people. Their problems are not saving the universe but in the village context they are major.