Character Development / Sullatober Dalton / Uncategorized

Christmas Shopping

Christmas shopping has gone down hill. When I was younger, the assistant in the village High Street shop didn’t just complain about the weather and point down an aisle and tell me the ladies department was down there, she knew who I was ‘walking out’ with and what her style was and would shake her head if I made a poor choice. Later, I could walk down the street in Glasgow and window shop with HER when the shops were shut and get her comments on what was on display. Now all the hint a young man gets is his lady love life lifting something in M&S, or Debenham’s, or BHS, and putting it down again. ‘Do you want to buy that?’ he asks. ‘No, I’m just looking,’ she tells him. He spends many hours looking for what he doesn’t know she’d like and Christmas is not just white, it’s frosty.