Sullatober Dalton / Uncategorized

Football and Food

We were watching one of the mid week football games in a hotel pub. There were three reps sitting to one side and at half time they started to talk about the food. One said he didn’t like the sausages at breakfast but another told him sausages were a personal thing, some people even liked them with garlic. At that the third chap spoke up. ‘I thought the baked beans were a bit over cooked,’ he said.
Well, you can’t please all of the people all of the time, can you?
At least it was better than the one I heard in a seaside restaurant. The waiter was taking the order for sweets and one diner asked about the cheese cake. ‘It’s absolutely delicious,’ the waiter told him. ‘But we don’t have any!’ I don’t think he got a tip.