
Half a pill is Better?

I don’t know if you’ve joined us creakeys who’ve been put on half an Aspirin to keep your blood from turning to treacle, or for joints that have lost their treacle, or just to help you cope with the music from next door, but the one thing about headache pills is that they have that slot across them to make it easier to break them in half.
At least it’s supposed to, but you’ll notice the slit isn’t on the same place on both sides, so the pills don’t break in equal halves and that raises a problem – which half do you take today? The bigger one will keep you safe today, but will the extra carry over to the following day? If you take the smaller half, will it be too little to do any good and you’ll never get the chance to compensate by taking the bigger half?
By now you’ve worried so much, you really need a whole pill.