Sullatober Dalton / Uncategorized


Of course, things didn’t go as planned with the move but I am now back on line It’s six years since I was last on a flight and things are a wee bit different but travel, for me, is always an adventure. Given flights to Menorca as a birthday present, I went through security with my case in the basin and was stopped at the metal detector. As the attendant get ready to search me the man from the basins came and asked if I had toothpaste in the case. I took it out and was told it should have been in one of these plastic bags and … have to go through again. I turned to go with him but the metal detector lad stopped me and told me I must stay with him and take off my shoes. I was screened with a ping pong bat thing and then the man showed me why. ‘There’s your belt buckle and there”s your keys,’ he told me – so I had my keys then. On the way to the gate. I fell over a seventeen-year-old’s case and was rude to her, got on the plane and settled after take-off to find my keys were no longer on my belt clip. Well you can’t turn back, can you? So, I looked all over the floor and you can imagine the kind of looks I got from the ladies as I searched about their feet and ankles. Anyway, a friend sorted it all out and I came back safely.