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Phoenician travel insurance

In my research for that talk on the history of the island Britain I found that Cornwall had an almost monopoly on the supply of tin in the ancient world. In fact they had a rule that no-one would work more than a quota. That kept the price high, like the diamond industries Central Sales Organisation today, but the restriction forced the Romans to send Julius Caesar to investigate and when he got back with a trade agreement he was given a triumph; military opinion inclined to look on his ‘invasion’ as a military disaster. The amusing tale was that the Phoenicians kept the secret location of Cornwall from anyone for at least a thousand years. One Roman ship following a Phoenician was led to disaster by the Phoenician grounding his vessel on a shoal and lring the Romans to a similar fate. The Phoenician escaped and his loses were repaid from the Phoenician treasury – fully comprehensive travel insurance that PAID OUT!