Character Development / Sullatober Dalton / Uncategorized

It”s all stress

I’ve had the plumbers in – twice. The first time was because of a whistle. Technically I assumed a little bit of something had turned the inlet valve for the cistern into a whistle. If it had been my own place I’d have put up with it but when you stay in a complex where someone switching on a bathroom light sounds like a rifle shot in the surrounding flats you worry a bit. It didn’t sound too bad during the day but at three or four in the morning the whistling went on for HOURS. The plumber came and fixed it and everything was fine until that ball valve thing started to drip. It’s not a problem really, the drip was small and during the day it got flushed regularly and never overflowed. It’s not supposed to be a problem at night either because the cistern just fills up and runs over into the overflow, unless the overflow leaks and at four in the morning when you’re half asleep and your hear drip drip and notice the overflow leaks and there is water at your feet. It rather wakes one up.
Anyway, it is all fixed but this retirement is so full of stress, I’m finding.